WOW, so it’s been about month since I have left Phoenix, AZ and arrived at Notre Dame, IN. What a wonderful place. I would have never thought that I would see leaves changing or REAL lakes. I have a lake in my front yard it is awesome. All of these natural wonders-Who am I, that God would humble himself to be my friend? Not only is the natural environment different but the people are different. I must say, I am the only ghetto person at Notre Dame. I am the only one at Notre Dame who walks with swaggg..
I am so excited to see what God has planned for me this year. “Lord, I am ready.”.. To be ready for God’s plan, one must be ready to let GO and let God. One must learn how to sacrifice things in their lives that can be holding them down. I feel as if I’ve got rid of all little distractions in my life-whether it is personal impediments or people(so call friends) that would just bring me down. My heart is ready to serve…
I have Morning Prayer and adoration everyday from 720-8, then I have classes (major in Catholic Theology), I go to mass everyday followed by night prayer. A month in, I ask myself how could I ever go a day in my life without these gifts from God? It’s through these times of prayer and worship that God saturates my heart with His love.
I currently serve at The Catholic Worker every Saturday morn feeding the homeless. Mother Theresa once said,” Each one of them is Jesus in disguise” It is so true. I try to challenge myself to see Jesus in the poor, I love to be amongst the people-to chat and eat with them and hear their stories of struggles. I also, volunteer at the Indiana Juvenile Center. This experience has been my most fulfilling because I see myself and my friends in a lot of these kids that I deal with. All they want is to be loved by someone. It is so sad to see how many kids go through life feeling unwanted or unloved. I love All of these people because they walk like us, talk like us, scrap against the wall and fought like us…We should treat them like they are one of us.
Pray for me… until next time hallelujah hollaback.