Thursday evening I was on my way to join four hundred students from Notre Dame, Holy Cross College, and St. Mary’s to a yearly event held in Washington, D.C. ….THE PRO-LIFE MARCH! As I got off the subway station, I looked behind me and realize,” I am at the capitol.” It was such an unreal experience for me because this is one of those places, I never thought I would be. Even more fascinating, I got to experience this place with nine of my Old College brothers, including my assistant rector Fr. Stephen Koeth from New York aka "Dont blame me, I wrote the letter"..
Not only was the Notre Dame community in attendance but also half a million other faithful pro-lifers...
One of the most interesting pro-life signs I saw at the march was this lady holding up a baby crucified…
So as we continued our march singing and praying the Rosary-really enjoying ourselves we finally made it to the Supreme Court!....
It was by far one of the craziest and energetic experiences I have ever been a part of. I am also happy to say that recent polls have showed that pro-lifers are the majority! Thanks be to God! The Catholic message is clear, “from conception to Natural Death” period! I pray that people from every nation, including ours maybe able to see and witness the beauty of all human life and that human life is a gift from God!
The following day, I went with Brennden, Colleen, Sydnie and Nicole to travel the monuments! The day was filled with subways, eating, walking, chatting and having a great time! I am so glad to have made new friends that I can cherrish these precious moments with!